Prerequisites (15 hours):
- Getting Started with Linux
● Introduction to web frameworks
● Building Environment for web frameworks
● Dockerized applications – An introduction
● Container communication
● Build and containerize your web application
● Orchestrate using Minikube
● Kubernetes introduction – Services, Pod and Deployments
● A sample project Linux Basic Commands, Introduct
Prerequisites (15 hours):
Linux :
Basic Commands, Introduction
Web Frameworks:
Sample Server environments for web :
Linux, PHP, Apache, MySQL (Introduction)
Containerization :
Introduction to Docker, Building docker
Container Communication :
Docker networking Basics
Docker Orchestration:
Introduction to Minikube, Kubernetes one
node cluster
Sample project :
To demonstrate containers and
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (12
● Getting Started – Source code management
● Git from a Developer perspective
● Git Advanced training
● Git Branching
● Building the source code
● Building Docker Images
● Introduction to continuous Integration
● Developing CI as a program – Jenkinsfile
● Jenkins Advanced training
● Continues Delivery and Kubernetes Deployments
● Kubernetes infrastructure provisioning and automated deployments.
Git :
Repository, Local, Remote, Access Control,
Tags, Branch, Best Practices, Workflow,
Introduction to CI, Github, DevOps
Docker for developers :
Building and Packaging, Dockerfile, dockercompose, Jenkins integration
Jenkins :
CI, CD, Plugins, Jobs, Automated builds,
Git/Github/Maven/Docker/Ant integration,
Triggers, Slaves, LoadBalancing, Failover,
Upstream and Downstream, Unit Testing,
Report publishing, Fingerprinting, Tagging,
Release automation, Continues Delivery,
Ant/Maven :
Dependency management, Artifacts
Artifact management, Docker registryKubernetes and advanced Package Management (12
● Kubernetes as an Orchestration tool
● Kubernetes Architecture
● Kubernetes componements
● Global Deployments using Kubernetes.
● Deploying and exporting software components and microservices in Kubernetes
● Configuration Management in Kubernetes
● Storage management and Cloud integration
● Fail-over management
● Automatic storage provisioning
● Security practices
● Autoscaling
● Best Practices
● Tips and Tricks
● A project with Kubernetes
Kubernetes :
Container Orchestration, Architecture,
Components, Pods, Services, On-premise
vs Cloud, Deployments, Replicasets,
ConfigMaps, PersistantVolumes, PVC,
Secrets, Autoscaling, Configuration
management, Kubernetes Packages
Docker :
Building, Registry, docker-swarm
Container Orchestration in the Cloud (12 hours):
● Kubernetes and Cloud
● Container Orchestration as a service
● Google Cloud
● Azure Cloud
● AWS Cloud
● Container Orchestration and cloud integration
● Cloud Autoscaling in Kubernetes
● Cloud LoadBalancers for kubernetes services
● Cloud Ingress controllers for Kubernetes
● Container Applications in Cloud
● Docker cloud registry
● Cloud and helm
● Building and Triggers
● Deploy your project to GCP/Azure/AWS
Google Cloud :
Marketplace, WorkLoads, Services, Ingress,
Autoscaling, Configurations, Volumes,
LoadBalancing, Security
Azure Cloud :
Automated Cluster deployments, Directory
Integration, Networking, Container registry,
Disks, Autoscaling
AWS Cloud :
EKS, ECR, Serverless, ELB, Autoscaling
Configuration Management and Monitoring